Its college football season, time to shop for new winter cloths, time to consider how to protect your home from the winter conditions that are fast approaching. We offer these ideas for your review. With temperatures falling and meteorologists predicting a colder than normal winter, the easiest and most cost efficient way to keep your home’s heat inside, while keeping your heating bill respectable, is to add fresh insulation to your attic, ceilings, basement, and walls.

Good Time For An Insurance Check Up
Let our agency provide you with a home, auto and life insurance check-up to make sure you have the best possible coverage. We have access to a number of different markets and can save you even more if you combine your home and auto together.

Prepare For Winter
Have an emergency kit ready; an emergency kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.  Include the following: water, flash lights and batteries, first aid kit, whistles to signal for help, basic tools, manual can opener, small supply of food, radio, candles, lighter, blankets and rope.
The following is a checklist for what homeowners ought to be doing when prepping for the cold season. Stick to it, and you’re sure to have a warmer and more relaxed winter experience (scraping and digging out your car notwithstanding).

  • Reverse ceiling fan rotation
  • Inspect your furnace and replace filters
  • Insulate water pipes
  • Turn off all outside water and sprinklers
  • Clean wood stoves and chimney’s
  • Install window insulators
  • Store summer tools and prep winter ones
  • Get a programmable thermostat
  • Make sure you caulk or repair and replace any siding that is failing
  • Stock up on emergency supplies
  • It’s always wise to provide an outside air supply for combustion appliances like gas stoves and furnaces. You may need a professional to check this for you
  • Make sure your recreation vehicles get the same care as your home
  • Seal cracks in windows, doors, foundations, and ducts
  • Replace batteries in smoke detectors
  • Clean gutters
  • Add insulation where needed
  • Check for leaks in gutters, windows and roofs
  • Cut shrubs away from your home

We will make sure you are protected against winter claims, with the right combination of insurance coverage and pricing. We offer competitive premiums and broad coverage for your home, auto and business. Contact us today for a quote.